
Meghan McCall

Working WITH Adrenaline

Adrenaline can be harmful if it’s not properly managed during a non-fight or flight situation. Try these four ways to channel adrenaline for the good of your performance or speech, because SOME is a good thing:

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Meghan McCall

Is it Getting Hot in Here?

Steam… it’s cheap…it’s easy and it is completely underrated! As a singer or public speaker, taking care of your voice is essential for maintaining its health and ensuring that you can perform at your best. One of the ways that you can do this is by incorporating a daily steaming routine into your vocal care regimen. Here are three benefits to steaming daily:

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Meghan McCall


Everyone needs their beauty rest, but some folks just can’t hit snooze enough times. And if you’re a superstar singer or a public speaker, or just trying to shed some pounds, sleep is extra essential. Here’s why….

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Meghan McCall


Like any big task, such as making healthier choices in our lives, the big task is made up of many smaller more “bitesize” tasks.

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Meghan McCall

Water Intake

As a wise person once said, water is the elixir of life! But, it’s even more crucial for folks like singers, actors, or anyone who loves to talk… a lot. Why? Let’s explore….

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Meghan McCall

Sing to your Upper Molars!

Lifting the palate is an essential technique for any singer or speaker who wants to achieve a resonant, clear, and powerful voice. Here are three reasons why you should try to lift your palate when you sing:

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Meghan McCall

Look Alive Everybody!

The zygomatic muscles are located in the cheek area and are responsible for lifting the corners of the mouth when we smile. They also happen to make you look energized, engaged and compelling. Without using them when performing, we often leave our audience wondering “Do they even want to be here?”

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Meghan McCall

Staying on Track for Thanksgiving

As a nutrition coach, I am always asked by my clients, “How do I stay on track with my nutrition during the holidays?” There are several tips that I would recommend in order to stay healthy and on track during the holiday of Thanksgiving.

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